Once again I took my time getting around to posting anything. In the meantime, the socio-political world continues on its route to chaos, while the Earth itself seems to be maintaining a pretty steady course around the sun. In the sphere of juvenile incarceration, children want out, but wonder if they will be shot when they return home. And common sense care for them seems to be an illusive dream. Friends keep asking me what I think of Obama in '08 and I have no answer, only that I have no faith in electoral politics. Sure, I'll vote, but that doesn't mean I think it counts for anything. Anna Nicole's death was finally determined to actually be a legal drug overdose. That's the top news as far as I can tell. While the continued struggle of impoverished people, with no access to prescription pharmaceuticals to begin with, hardly ever makes into the periphery of news consciousness. Gonzales seems to be in hot water now, but what about the people pulling his strings? And why am I paying $3.20 for a gallon of gas? Wasn’t I once promised the prices weren’t going to go up? I’ll have to try harder to limit my car trips to only the necessary, which is better for the environment. I wish I could afford one of those fancy hybrids. I guess my mobility is limited by my economic status. As always a bigger paycheck means more freedom.