Monday, February 04, 2008

Today, Women's Magazine on KPFA put together a fabulous show on the election around race and gender issues. It is worth a listen. My favorite interview is with Elaine Brown, the last on the show. Elaine Brown is someone I have long admired for her work for social change, and this interview reinforced my admiration. When asked about the campaigns of Hillary and Obama and the issue of race and gender, she responded by saying there aren't any issues of race and gender being discussed, and neither candidate actually represents, or is looking out for, the interests of women or black people. Both of them are "ordinary democrats white washing" these issues. Exactly. She is right on with everything she says. Who should we vote for? That's a conundrum she says. Whether we vote or not at this point, does it make a real difference where we are at right now? I'm going to vote tomorrow, but I'm sure most would say that I am wasting my vote because I am going to vote for who I actually think would make a good president, not who I think will be more popular against the opposing side. It seems like everyone is placing bets rather then voting these days.

Please listen:


Anonymous said...

Hi Dora,
Too busy to blog? Try something once a week. This short post is very good. I also have gotten flack from some Dems re my attitude about the irrelevancy of this campaign. You'da thunk I dissed the deity by criticizing Obama's speach from this morning. You know the "Great One." He is basically a suffering denier with a broad demographic. If he is allowed to win, which seems inconceivable, I do hope he can do something good without getting assassinated.

Off to bed. Call me.


Anonymous said...

And, as for Hillary representing the feminists? I don't think so. I so much wanted to vote for a woman, almost any woman.....