Monday, November 03, 2008

Word of the Week

pau·ci·ty - noun: smallness of number

As in, there is no paucity of signs both for and against Measure 8 in California. A couple of days ago, I witnessed two large groups of people with Measure 8 signs standing on opposite corners. They were, in turns, yelling "yes on 8" and "no on 8." It was quite a spectacle. I will say at this point that I do not support Measure 8. Everyone should have equal rights under the law. As far as marriage as a religious issue, I do not think that is for the state to decide. Keep church and state separate. If individual churches don't want to support same sex marriage, that is up to them. They don't have to perform ceremonies. But that does not mean that their beliefs on the subject should affect everyone else. Next thing you know there is going to be prayer in schools. Oh wait. That's already been tried. Not everyone has the same set of beliefs, and it would be wrong to impose one group's beliefs on everyone else. If two people love each other and want to make a commitment of marriage they should be able to do that. If those two people happen to be of the same sex it does not mean that everyone is going to have to participate in same sex marriage or that kids are going to be taught in school that that's how its supposed to be (some of the strange reasoning I have heard). No, it is between those two people. Rest of us don't need to get in the middle of it. There, I've had my say before election day.

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