Monday, November 17, 2008

Word of the Week

ig·no·min·i·ous - adjective: marked with or characterized by disgrace or shame

As in, it was an ignominious move by the US government to hold juveniles at Guantanamo. If you don't believe that our government would do this read "
U.S. confirms it held 12 juveniles at Guantanamo." And if you don't believe that it is wrong to hold a child under those circumstances, I have to wonder about your level of moral development. According to this article, one of the juveniles committed suicide while detained in Guantanamo. Children do sometimes commit crimes (I work with them), but under no circumstance should they be put in a situation where they feel compelled to do such a thing, or are not given the necessary support if they are contemplating such an act. From what I have read, Guantanamo is not a place for anyone, let alone the fact that it is not determined whether or not many of those held there have committed any crime. A UC Berkeley study looked at the released prisoners and found them to be traumatized and shamed even though they never did anything to deserve being locked up to begin with. The article "Cal study finds ex-Guantanamo prisoners broken" shines a light on the abuses and torture that these men suffered through and that our government perpetrated. Yes, I would have to say that sending these people, especially the children, to Guantanamo is ignominious.

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